The dance of leadership

The dance of leadership

Finding rhythm, harmony and flow With collective leadership becoming more common in these fast changing and uncertain times, it seems time to learn to dance – with each other, and with life.  “It’s about knowing when to come together and when to part –...
Facilitating Collective Leadership

Facilitating Collective Leadership

Enabling inclusive, emergent and resilient teams  With the dawn of a new year, there is no shortage of articles being shared around the opportunity and potential to transition to more emergent, inclusive and collaborative ways of working. The question that fewer seem...
The Conscious COO

The Conscious COO

Framing the Big Picture of Impact, People & Money As we strive to be more emergent, sustainable and ever more effective in these fast changing and uncertain times, it seems to me that a new role is coming to the fore: that of the Conscious COO. A term coined by a...


Embracing the power of “and both” A common thread I am seeing across the changemakers is how to navigate what seems contradictory. Clarity & Uncertainty. Individual & Collective. Profit & Purpose. Planning & Emergence. Freedom &...