Our Charter

We believe all teams should have a charter, explicitly laying out their shared purpose, beliefs, and expectations of each other. This forms part of the collective leadership framework for effective collaborative working. 

Each designed differently based on the team dynamics and priorities, we share ours below, both for transparency, and as an example for other teams. 


Wings & Roots


Purpose             To inspire, catalyse and support the healthy growth and evolution of leaders and their organisations.

Positioning        Helping imaginative leaders looking for better ways of working – for themselves, their teams, and their communities.


  • We believe in a combination of a clear purpose and pathway that is aspirational and hopeful, while rooted in reality
  • Recognising the parallel journeys and needs of leader and organisation.
  • Connection, co-creation and co-leadership are fundamental to the way we work, bringing together collective perspectives, talents, resources.
  • Our co-leadership mantra is “knowing when to come together and what to part”, making best use of our individuality and our collective strengths.
  • We see the importance of effective structures and frameworks to support individuals and teams, helping to hold the weight and tensions. 
  • Respect and reciprocity is fundamental to all our relationships – with our co-leads, collaborators and communities.


  • To our co-leads, co-creators and community providing insightful guidance and practical support.
  • To each other in terms of care, compassion and commitment. 
  • To the wider community to share learnings and tools.
  • To ensure the development, growth and sustainability of Wings & Roots based on community needs.
  • Companioning leaders through periods of growth and evolution.



  • To be kind, compassionate and show generosity of spirit.
  • To respect each other’s time, skills, contribution, perspectives and boundaries..
  • To invite, give and receive honest, direct feedback in a compassionate way. 
  • To communicate openly, encouraging and supportive of each other.
  • To discuss tensions and conflicts with compassion and curiosity, exploring a way forward that works for all. 
  • To build a learning and development culture that celebrates small wins, and learns, adapts and moves on with shared learnings.
  • To create trusted spaces to percolate ideas, share concerns, co-create solutions. 
  • To recognise the importance of self care, and fun!


  • Every month, to meet somewhere for a walk to check in and connect with ourselves, each other, nature and inspiration.
  • Every 6 months, to review our north star, both for progress and emergence as opportunities and circumstances unfold.
  • Each week (usually every Friday), to check in with each other, and review projects. 
  • Every year to have a ritual to show our appreciation of each other and those that support us


If you are interested in learning more about enabling frameworks for charters for leadership teams,
please do get contact us.   

Connecting. Co-creating. Co-leading.

© Copyright 2020 Wings & Roots